Friday 16 January 2009

Four Years Running

January 16th, 2005! Anthony Lee and Nastassja Merina! Omg look at all our hair! XD

A few months later. (Not an anniversary photo, so sue me!)

For our first anniversary we went to Barcelona for a few days. Sadly we seem to have no pics of us together, so here's one from a few weeks before that with our ghetto hanukkah.

January 16, 2007, and pregnant with my little man! We took a trip to Cordoba, which was very cool. :)

Last year, again we seem to have no anniversary pic (and honestly I can't remember what we did. Oops.) but this is January 25th, 2008!

Thinking Anthony would be gone during our anniversary (and, well, he is) we didn't plan anything this year. Having no money helps with that too. But yesterday he showed up early from work (wasn't supposed to be home at all!) bearing steak and a glass of flowers. :) It was very sweet! Four years and counting, January 16, 2009! (Again no anniversary pic, but this was two weeks ago up at the farm!)


bubbeedee said...

Nice know I love that kind of stuff. Happy Anniversary! Good Job!

bubbeedee said...

oh, and I love the ghetto chanukah! now we can add the chanukah of the stomach flu. It really is the "less than perfect" things that make the best memories - if you have the right attitude, which we, of course, do - since we're, um,'s that for some logic?