Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Is this not the most beautiful kid around? Well, I'm sure your own children hold that place for you, but AFTER your kids, you gotta admit... ;)
Checking out his sweet pecs. He likes to beat his chest like Tarzan. He also communicates mainly via grunting. Hmmmmm...
Such a ham! He loves him some naked time. :)
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Nicole D said...

oh what a little cutie!

kyoto said...

Dear Nastassja --the photos of little Mr.Sunshine are sooooo cute! I am so glad to hear from your Mama that Anthony will be home soon! I hope your hands have cleared up and all is well with you! I am busy with all the little ones as usual - yesterday and I went out with Scott at noon to get Ivy off the bus I VERY CAREFULLY locked the door -- oh no - I didn't have the key!! Luckily (sp?) for me the neighbor dad was home and I had left the kitchen window open so we were able to get the screen out and put Ivy in through the window and she was able to unlock the door!