Ok, last post of the day I promise! I really need to sleep, blah.
Some pics I managed to get yesterday (much to the dismay of Ant, but he requested pics of JUST him and I knew we needed more!). Not perfect but man, really hard to get Ray looking at the camera with no one behind it!
i love your top or dress or whatever that is.
me too, I don't think I've seen it before. Picture of Anthony and Ray is SO GOOD! I love the way Ray is looking right into the camera and smiling, excellent, that's MY grandbaby! Anthony is very handsome in his uniform. Time to do that photoshop head-swap on pic#2!
He was looking at the camera since I was behind it! The ones with all three of us I would hold him on my opposite hip, and while the little light blinked he would turn completely around to stare at the sheet behind us. So finally I figured out that I could switch him to the other hip at the last second and moosh his cheek to mine so he couldn't turn...hey it worked!
Thanks, that's the top I bought for the christmas party. Pretty cheap too! It's very comfortable as well, though not very breastfeeding friendly so I'd really only wear it for nice pictures these days.
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